When you consider copier leasing or purchase a brand new copier machine, you will most likely want to use it right after it has been delivered to your location. If you bought a copier, you are the one who will install it.
In that case, make sure that you will plug the machine into a well-functioning electric outlet. Also, ensure to secure and close the trays and covers. Before using, do not forget to check if it is ready to use. The green light will flash once the copier is ready for work.
Another thing you need to check is its paper arrangement. Make sure that it is placed in the tray properly. Ensure to check it before using it as improper arrangement can lead to several copier problems.
If the copier misses the paper, shows paper jams, or misfeeds, the troubleshooting you can do is remove its cover or cassettes and check if there is crumpled or jammed paper. If there is, you need to remove it. After that, attach the cassette and load the form correctly. Make sure that the cassette holds the paper precisely.
Paper jamming happens each time you try to copy a file. To avoid this from happening, make sure that the whole system is free from any crumpled paper. Also, try to close and open its cover about three times to reset the entire process. In some cases, humidity is also the reason behind paper jams. If this is the case, replace the old papers with the new ones and perform it again.
If you see some issues on its paper-loading and power front, ensure to address them right away. For example, you notice that the “Maintenance” light turns on all of a sudden. But there’s nothing for you to worry about. This only happens when you make thousands of paper copies. In this case, you need to hire a professional to fix this problem.
If you plan to get copiers for your office in Des Moines, you can opt to buy copiers or lease copiers in Des Moines. We can give you the option to get the copier that you want. You can contact our local copier leasing services department in your location.
If your Location is around Des Moines, you may call us at (515) 512-4288, our personnel for copier leasing in Des Moines will assist you. If you are also looking for copier repair services in Des Moines, you may contact our copier repair personnel at the same number.
On the one hand, if the machine comes out of light, you may need to purchase a new toner and replace the old one. You need to do this, especially if you see a pop up saying “Add Toner.” On the one hand, this pop up may occur even when the toner is newly purchased or just okay. If that is the case, you may close and open its front cover a few times. Through this, the toner motor will be reset and reactivated. Wait for a few minutes and check if the pop up still appears. If so, repeat the whole process about two to three times until the message is all gone.
Copier lease is a popular trend among small and medium businesses that require this type of machine. If you don’t have the budget, you may consider copier leasing in Des Moines. The copier leasing services in Des Moines are superb and are very affordable. So, what are you waiting for? Avail of your favorite copier leasing services and start to boost the whole production in your office.